How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Teeth whitening can last just a couple of months or up to two years. We understand that's quite the range but the results and their longevity depend on several factors.

Let's learn more about teeth whitening and find out how you can enjoy your newly whitened smile for longer.

Types of Teeth Whitening and How Long They Last

One of the major factors that will influence the longevity of your teeth whitening is the type of treatment you choose.

When it comes to teeth whitening in Redondo Beach, you have several options:

Over-the-Counter Whitening Kits

These have the appeal of being more accessible and affordable. You just buy a kit from a store and apply the strips in the comfort of your home. However, these products are significantly less potent since they contain a much lower concentration of bleaching agent. As such, the results usually last very little, between a few weeks to a couple of months.

At-Home Whitening Kits from Dentists

Some dental practices, including ARTSCI Dental, offer at-home whitening treatments. These are custom-made whitening trays that have a higher concentration of bleaching agent and can provide results similar to in-office treatments.

In-Office Professional Whitening

If you want to get the best results, professional teeth whitening performed in a dental office can last up to two years or even more with proper care. Dentists use high concentrations of bleaching agents and often incorporate specialized lights or lasers to enhance the effect.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Is Better

There are other reasons why it would be better to opt for professional teeth whitening except for the long-lasting results it can provide:

It's More Effective

Professional whitening treatments penetrate deeper into the enamel and can remove more stubborn stains that OTC products simply cannot reach.

You Will Get Customized Treatment

Before anything, a dentist will examine your oral health to determine what you need. Then, they will customize the concentration of the whitening agents and the treatment duration so that you can get the best results.

It's Safer

Often people use more bleaching agents or leave it on for longer thinking that this can help them get better, faster results. But, this can be harmful to their teeth. With professional teeth whitening, be it at-home or in-office, the entire process is supervised by a professional and there's a much lower risk of gum irritation or damage to the enamel.

Factors That Can Influence How Long Teeth Whitening Will Last

While the type of teeth whitening plays an essential role in the longevity of your results, other factors can also influence how long your white smile will last:

Your Oral Hygiene

Daily brushing and flossing can help maintain the results for a longer period. Regular professional cleanings can also help lift some surface stains and make sure you will enjoy your white smile for longer.

What You Eat

Try to limit the consumption of foods and beverages that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine, curry, tomatoes, etc.


Tobacco products contribute to teeth staining and can shorten the lifespan of a whitening treatment.

Want a Whiter Smile?

If you have stained or discolored teeth and are looking for a quick and effective way to rejuvenate your smile, our teeth whitening service is the way to go. Schedule an appointment with ARTSCI Dental and come in for a consultation with Dr. Anthony Nguyen.

Get in touch today to book your appointment.

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