Do You Have To Brush Veneers?

If you are unhappy with the way your smile looks, veneers are a popular method to change your teeth's appearance.

But, how will veneers change your oral hygiene routine? Can you relax a bit and skip brushing them?

This article has the answer:

How Do Veneers Work?

Veneers in Redondo Beach are like new faces for your teeth. They are very then shells made from porcelain that get bonding to your teeth.

Before the veneers are attached, your dentist will shave a small amount of enamel to create a rougher surface texture. This, together with the adhesive, allows the veneer to bond with your tooth and stay in place.

But, this also makes veneers irreversible. If they get damaged, you will need to have them replaced.

Veneers and Brushing: What’s the Deal?

You absolutely need to brush your veneers, and there are two compelling reasons for it:

Keep Your Smile Looking Perfect

Your mouth is full of harmful bacteria that feed off of food particles that linger after your meals.

Bacteria will accumulate on your teeth and form plaque, a film that’s easily removed by brushing your teeth.

If you don’t brush, plaque can turn into tartar, which can make your veneers have a yellow look and affect your smile’s appearance.

Prevent Oral Health Issues and Veneer Damage

Apart from that yellow hue, tartar also increases your risk for gum disease, a dangerous condition that can cause gum recession, bleeding, and even permanent tooth loss in extreme cases.

Plus, failure to brush your teeth can lead to cavities.

When you develop oral health issues, the dentist may need to remove your veneers to restore your oral health. This means you have to replace your set well before they reach the end of their lifespan.

How to Care for Veneers

With the right maintenance, veneers should last anywhere between 10 to 15 years.

Apart from regular brushing and flossing, here are some other tips to care for your upgraded smile:

  • Cleanse the mouth after every meal by rinsing or drinking tap water
  • Wear a mouthguard if you grind your teeth or play sports
  • Don’t use your teeth to open packages or chew hard objects
  • Be mindful of how many staining foods or beverages you consume (coffee, tea, pasta sauces, etc.)
  • Cut back on sweets and increase fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid smoking
  • See the dentist every 6 months for consultations and professional cleanings

Interested in Veneers? We Can Help!

Wondering if you’re a good candidate for veneers? Dr. Anthony Nguyen can help you find out if they’re the right solution for you, or recommend another dental cosmetic procedure to help you get the smile you want.

Schedule a consultation at ARTSCI dental online and stop by to discover your options.

Have more questions first? Then call our team at (424) 400-5288 for a short chat.

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