Can My Teeth Shift After Getting Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Redondo Beach are a great way to replace missing teeth without sacrificing your facial structure and underlying jawbone. An implant will create a stable base to attach a dental crown so you never have to worry about shifting teeth no matter how much you eat or talk. However, some people might wonder if implants ever move.

Read on in this blog from ARTSCI Dental to find out why implant movement is a sign of a serious problem.

Why Implants Should Never Move

Dental implants are implanted into the jawbone and through osseointegration, fuse as one. This forms a stable artificial tooth root that will never move, even when you chew and speak. This is a specific advantage over traditional dentures. As the titanium post is implanted into the jawbone, there is no reason for it to move unless there is something seriously wrong.

Implants May Feel Like They’re Moving When They Aren’t

While genuine implant movement is a sign that something is seriously wrong, it’s also normal to feel like your implants or teeth are moving shortly after placement even though they’re not. The additional tooth in the mouth creates pressure differences and sends a message to the surrounding teeth that they’re moving.

Placing an additional tooth in the movement can cause changes to the feeling in your mouth which may contribute to the sensation of moving teeth or discomfort. This should dissipate within a few days.

Rare But Serious: Moving Implants & Implant Failure

While most of the time the feeling of moving teeth after implant placement is just a sensation caused by pressure changes in the mouth, in rare cases, the teeth are actually moving. Moving teeth after implant placement is rare but serious and is a sign that your implants have failed.

Implants can fail for many different reasons but most commonly it’s due to peri-implantitis, which is an infection of the supporting tissues that surround the implant. This is caused by poor oral hygiene and neglecting to follow aftercare instructions post-implant surgery.

Peri-implantitis causes loose and moving teeth and requires urgent emergency treatment. Symptoms of peri-implantitis include foul-smelling breath, a loose implant, swollen gums, pain, bleeding, difficulty chewing, and fever. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should contact your dentist right away.

Preventing Peri-Implantitis

It’s crucial to practice good oral hygiene and follow implant aftercare instructions during your recovery. Failure to follow these instructions can cause excessive bleeding, disturb the implant site, or cause bacteria to get into the implant site and lead to an infection.

After the first 24 hours of implant placement, rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution a few times a day to remove bacteria and food particles from the implant site. Brush and floss the rest of your teeth like normal.

Avoid chewing on the side of your mouth during the first week and stick to soft foods for the first 1 to 2 weeks. You should avoid smoking during your recovery, as this increases your risk of implant failure and gum disease. You should get your implants cleaned every 6 months.

Schedule Your Implant Consultation Today!

Avoiding peri-implantitis is simple as long as you’re committed to caring for the health of your teeth and avoiding certain lifestyle habits in the first few weeks of recovery. If you’re interested in dental implants, contact us at ARTSCI Dental today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anthony Nguyen.

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